Main page
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Tusses are a very shy people and very few humans have ever seen one. The tusses know that they can’t be seen by humans, because then humans would invade their forests and probe and poke at them.
Nature has solved this problem though; when a tuss is seen by a human it just disappears with a small “puff!” leaving little but a small cloud of dust. Where the tusses that “puffs” go, no one knows, not even the tusses themselves. They are however presumed dead or “puffed” as a tuss would put it.

Tusses also have a burning passion for socks which they wear as hats and a newly acquired passion for keys.


Introduction to story

Research Diary
Storyboard drafts

Character designs
Environment Design
Props design
Voices & sound

About the project
Info to investors
Contact details
Copyright 2004, All Rights Reserved, Thomas S. Lund and Katrine Eikeland